Parameter settings for your new dataset ========================================= (create a new yaml file in ~/recommendation/properties/dataset/your_new_dataset.yaml) The benchmark provides several arguments for describing: - Basic setting of the parameters See below for the details: Required parameters ---------------------- Column set ups '''''''''''''''''' - ``user_id (str)`` : The column name used to identify the user. - ``item_id (str)`` : The column name used to identify the item. - ``group_id (str)`` : The column name used to identify the group. - ``label_id (str)`` : The column name used to identify the label. - ``timestamp (str)`` : The column name used to identify the timestamp. - ``label_threshold (int)`` : Threshold means the label exceed the value will be regarded as 1, otherwise, it will be accounted into 0. LLMs-based set ups '''''''''''''''''''''''' - ``text_id (str)`` : The column name used to identify textual information of item (e.g. new title). - ``item_domain (str)`` : The item domain name used to generate prompts.