Parameter settings for dataset ===================================================================================================================================== (create a new yaml file in ~/search/properties/dataset/your_new_dataset.yaml) The benchmark provides several arguments for describing: - Basic setting of the parameters See below for the details: Dataset '''''''''''''''''' - ``name (str)`` : The name of the dataset. - ``path (str)`` : The path to the dataset. Column definition '''''''''''''''''' - ``query_col (str)`` : The query column name; if not present, it will be added. - ``id_col (str)`` : The ID column name. - ``score_col (str)`` : The score column name. - ``feature_cols (list)`` : The list of column names for the features. - ``sensitive_cols (list)`` : The list of sensitive columns to be considered. Train-Test split '''''''''''''''''' - ``k_fold (int)`` : The number of k-fold stratified splits. - ``ratio_split (float)`` : The ratio of the test set. - ``pos_th (int)`` : The threshold for considering negative samples during training.