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FairDiverse is a unified, comprehensive and efficient benchmark toolkit for fairnes-aware and diversity-aware IR models. It aims to help the researchers to reproduce and develop IR models.

In the lastest release, our library includes 30+ algorithms covering four major categories:

  • Pre-processing models

  • In-processing models

  • Post-processing models

  • IR base models

We design a unified pipelines.


For the usage, we use following steps:


The utilized parameters in each config files can be found in following docs:

Parameter Descriptions

Custom Your Models (APIs)

For the develop your own recommendation model, you can use following steps:


The Team

FairDiverse is developed and maintained by RUC, UvA.

Here is the list of our lead developers in each development phase.



Lead Developers

Nov. 2024 ~ Feb. 2025


Chen Xu, Zhirui Deng, Clara Rus


FairDiverse uses MIT License.